Bleuet (#228) 7:46am
"I have a bun that started with about 500 stats. He's 9 years 5 months now with about 1,700 stats"
NoasBonsai (#11839) 7:03am
"thanks now I wonder.... what would happpend if youre rabbit starts with 500 will they than get 500 in there lifetime or will that be a lot more just aave no idea :)"
Vesa (RCR) (#1327) 6:58am
"Always remember the bunny park too, it's a guaranteed stat gain until the rabbit is at 500, but you'll still sometimes get stats past that mark."
Vesa (RCR) (#1327) 6:56am
"I've gotten a pet store Flemish to 600 with fun foods, greens, park and constant showing, at least by the time he was 5 years. So with constant high statted items, you can probably reach 700-800. But in general, I'd estimate 500-600."
Bleuet (#228) 6:19am
"No clue, I've never used good items on a pet store animal"
NoasBonsai (#11839) 11:32pm
"thank you for reply :) and what would be on the high end when they do a lot better"
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